LLC “Modern Production Services” MBMS-24 bubble mailing system launched. The MBMS-24 uses “state of the art” technology to increase productivity while reducing downtime and maintenance costs.
In MBMS-24 web movement is separated from the sealing function of the system. This allows the system to achieve higher operating speeds while maintaining optimum compaction quality. It also makes it easier to laminate coated papers or multilayer films before blistering.
An integral part of the MBMS-24 is the Inteliseal system used in all modern pouch/pouch manufacturing services. With Inteliseal, all seal heads are controlled independently from each seal head’s control panel or from the main HMI (Human Machine Interface). This unique feature allows the operator to adjust each print head so that the cycle distance, seal squeeze distance and seal force vary according to the requirements of the convertible film, all with minimal air bubble damage.
MBMS-24 is available in single or dual channel configuration. Options include in-line lamination and special custom widths. The result is a system capable of producing high quality mail bubbles at the fastest possible rate.
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Post time: Aug-07-2023